Cuban sprinting coach Sergio Manuel Rodríguez Ruiz to coach Sri Lanka

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Following the huge success of Cuban jumping coach Luis Miranda, Athletics Association (AASL) had put their faith on another Cuban coach for sprinting as Coach Sergio Manuel Rodríguez Ruiz is set to join AASL as sprinting coach from July onwards.

Lack of proper sprinting coach to oversee sprinters in Sri Lanka has been real problem for the country during recent past as it had created a void where people with different agendas started to come in to track as coaches while also created room for performance-enhancing drugs distributors to approach athletes as many up and coming SL coaches does not have proper education to improve their athletes.

Many local coaches are also unwilling to let their athletes to train with a better or senior local coach in Sri Lanka a foreign sprinting coach could be a good solution to guide SL sprinting forward.

Please contact Athletics Association of Sri Lanka for more information via +94112 682329/ +94112676163/ +94112676162 or
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